Hey! Welcome!

So we're totally copying everyone else with this whole blog thing...haha. Actually no not really. This blog is gunna be weird and tweaked you're just have to trytoreadbetweenthelines :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Top 25 Stupidest Phrases Americans Say

(In no particular order)
1. "Alone together"
2. "Acute dullness"
3. "Act naturally"
4. "Bittersweet"
5. "Clearly confused"
6. "Conservative liberal"
7. "Guest host"
8. "Little giants"
9. "Almost exactly"
10. "Dangerously safe"
11. "Deafening silence"
12. "Definite maybe"
13. "Legally drunk"
14. "Living dead"
15. "Old news"
16. "Only choice"
17. "Pretty ugly"
18. "Seriously funny"
19. "Silent scream"
20. "Wholesome"
21. "Liquid gas "
22. "Open secret"
23. "War games"
24. "Working vacation"
25. "Vaguely aware"
I love this too :)

"One bright morning...in the middle of the night, two dead boys came out to fight. They stood back to back and faced each other drew their swords and shot each other. The deaf policeman heard the noise and came to kill those two dead boys. If you don't believe my story, its true, ask the blind man he saw it too!"


Friday, July 25, 2008

Geeks- Coming soon to this blog

In town were popularity is the top. Where the smart people are under appreciated and forgotten. Where the status quo has sat unchanged since the beginning. One will take a stand, rise above adversity, and beat the power that forced his people down, flat on their faces, looked them in the eye and ridiculed them. One will stand and fight for what is right and follow through, for truth and triumph to all the world.

Or his world at least.

Coming soon

Graphing Calculators and Vending Machine Mishaps

Okay, so I go to this 2 week long 3 1/2 hours a day Algebra review class (pretty easy, just really long) (yay done with the first week). Anyways today we got to learn how to use the whole graph part of the graphing calculator. It is SO confusing, but gosh darn it, it's fun. So like you have to press things like "stat" and "y-something" and "enter" and "clear" and like all random stuff. So like I'm sitting next to my friend Olivia and she's like a pro and yeah, I'm...me, so it took me forever but I actually got them right. It was intense. I'm so proud of myself.
Haha...My teacher had like 4 graphing calculators which he lended out to the 3 students who didn't have one and the calculators are apparently like his babies because he made the 3 people sit right up front like 3 feet away from him because he didn't want his calculators to "walk out on him" and we're like...okay...wow. And he was like trying to understand who Chuck Norris was and spend like a half an hour discussing it with 2 kids in the class...weird...

But right before that I wanted to get a Coke, right? So I get my money and go to the vending machine. I push the first Coke button. Sold out. The second Coke button. Sold out. So then I'm like bummer. I'll get the Cherry Coke. Nope, sold out. So now I'm like, oh whatever I'll just get a Sprite. Yet again, sold out. I'm like COME ON!! My only choices left are Diet Coke (which I don't really like), and water and I'm not paying $1.50 for something I can get from the fountain right next to me. So I click the Diet Coke and the machine makes all these weird noises and I'm like please please please just COME OUT!! And FINALLY I get my soda!!! And I get into the class room and open it. Guess what? It fizzes everywhere all over my desk and I have to clean it up. All for a Coke. A Diet Coke. That I don't even really like and will probably give me some life threataning desease. Thank you screwed vending machine. You rock.


The People at Trapeze School..are...errrr....Friendly?

So yeah I totally figured out how to go to the new facebook and I'm not sure if I like it...its way different....hmmmmmm I'll have to think about that. Anyways I totally miss all my friends and I become insanley jelouse of anyone who gets to see anyone...:) not really but i do miss everyone!!
So yeah I was at tapeze school a week or two ago and the guy who was one of the teacher people was walking around saying hi to everyone. So you have to wear this belt which you hook up to these ropes so you don't fall and die...anyways the guy...I forget his name.. reaches around to put this belt on me only at the time I didn't relize that was what he was doing. I thought he was hugging me. Haha so I'm thinking what the heck. Thank goodness before I like freaked out or did somthing stupid I relized that he was putting on the belt not hugging me. So thats my funny little story of the day..:)
Well thats all I have to say. I've pretty much been stuck at home all week accept for a trip to the mall with my brother which I was supposed to take with a certain firend whose boss made her work. Yep Thats about it. Yeppers..Bye for now (Dang I say yep a lot when I don't have anything to say.) Bye!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


So for me, facebook is different now and it's totally rockin...it's so weird, & more organized. Overall better imo.
OMG this time next month I'll be...freaking out because school will be starting THE NEXT DAY!! holy bageezzz. That's crazy. I will also have a cell phone, no braces, and hopefully be on the field hockey team. Isn't that just fun and dandy?! Actually it really is. Wow I'm sure you're very excited....I have such a non boring life.
So...I really don't have much to say except don't play lacrosse, or any sport for that matter, for 2 and 1/2 hours after just eating a popsicle and nothing else in intense heat and humidity. Not a good idea, let me tell you.



Hi there! Welcome to the blog. So I've read my friends blogs and I was thinking I want a blog I have a lot of important things to write....well maybe not important but I do have a lot of things to write so I made this blog. Well actually Anna made it but we will both be posting on it. Yep well at the moment I have nothing more to say...so bye!